A website without visitors is like a ship lost in the horizon
A website is a single domain which has different web pages. It is designed to target any number of users. If you are planning to create a website for your business you need to ensure that it must be likable and usable. There is a massive range of approaches to building a qualify website. But the key ingredients remain consistent. Rather than we make a list of every possible decision point we should focus on the top important points. Key points to remember while designing a good website: · Readable:- The colors, images and text created should be easy to see and read. You must use the colors which are cool to the eyes. There should be a proper space between the images and sections of the text and the content must be easier to read. · Clear Navigation:- The clear is helpful to find the information without any hassle and frustration. The buttons must be grouped together. If image links are used, text links must be provided for them who have turned